July & August 2020 High Lows
We're doing another combined High Lows for July and August. Honestly, the days have all blended together and I'm having a hard time remembering anything that happened even last week. Let's see what I can recollect.
+I finally broke down and bought a miter saw instead of using a hand saw for everything. It is my favorite thing right now. My first project was making built-in shelves in the garage to store all our tubs (which then inspired me to organize the entire garage). My second project was constructing a new house for our tortoise Pancho Villa after he made a 5ft deep borrow underneath our concrete block wall. And my third project for the month was a raised garden box and a wire top with doors to keep the birds away from our vegetables.
+I finally broke down and bought a miter saw instead of using a hand saw for everything. It is my favorite thing right now. My first project was making built-in shelves in the garage to store all our tubs (which then inspired me to organize the entire garage). My second project was constructing a new house for our tortoise Pancho Villa after he made a 5ft deep borrow underneath our concrete block wall. And my third project for the month was a raised garden box and a wire top with doors to keep the birds away from our vegetables.
+Now that I built a new garden box, we planted some pumpkin seeds that have since sprouted. We'll see if any will be ready to be craved by Halloween.
+Baby J has learned to laugh. He will laugh at absolutely nothing which is great to boost the self-esteem of three budding comedians aged 5, 3, and 1.
+We've been spending lots of time outside. I would consider this in the low category with how outrageous the heat has been, but the kids have been having a great time on the back porch with their little $5 plastic kiddie pool. Eliza demands to go outside all. day. long. How she doesn't notice the 100+ degree weather is beyond me.


+Baby J has learned to laugh. He will laugh at absolutely nothing which is great to boost the self-esteem of three budding comedians aged 5, 3, and 1.
+We've been spending lots of time outside. I would consider this in the low category with how outrageous the heat has been, but the kids have been having a great time on the back porch with their little $5 plastic kiddie pool. Eliza demands to go outside all. day. long. How she doesn't notice the 100+ degree weather is beyond me.
+Speaking of outside, we extended our back porch with pavers and got some turf put in. Our yard has come a long way from when we first moved in, but there's still at least 10 more years worth of projects left.
+Taylor started virtual school four weeks ago. It has been so fun to see him learning new things. He is so ready to be able to read.
+Taylor started virtual school four weeks ago. It has been so fun to see him learning new things. He is so ready to be able to read.

+Taylor started virtual school four weeks ago. It is very difficult keeping a kindergarten focused on online class. Luckily, it has slowly improved and gotten easier. And a hybrid option might be available soon.
+Taylor had two bouts of sickness, one in July and one in August. I'm not sure how he managed to get sick when he hasn't left the house in months, but somehow he did. Hoping no more illnesses is in our future.
+Eliza dropped a heavy toy car on her toe and it looked pretty bad. Since she wouldn't put any weight on her foot and couldn't sleep through the night because of it, we had to take her to urgent care to make sure it wasn't broken. Luckily it wasn't, but she did have to get it drained. Her poor toes always seemed to be getting smashed.
+Taylor had two bouts of sickness, one in July and one in August. I'm not sure how he managed to get sick when he hasn't left the house in months, but somehow he did. Hoping no more illnesses is in our future.
+Eliza dropped a heavy toy car on her toe and it looked pretty bad. Since she wouldn't put any weight on her foot and couldn't sleep through the night because of it, we had to take her to urgent care to make sure it wasn't broken. Luckily it wasn't, but she did have to get it drained. Her poor toes always seemed to be getting smashed.

I'm sure there are so many things I'm forgetting, but my brain has turned to mush and is failing to retain much these days so this will have to do for July & August. Into September we go.