March 2020 High Lows
At the beginning of the month, it seemed like this recap was going to be full to the brim. In the first week and a half I had already been on a girls trip to Disney and a different girls trip to Italy (I don't travel often, but apparently when I do travel, I plan it all for the same month). But then the whole world shut down and there hasn't been much to report on. Regardless, here's a quick rundown on what has been the highs and lows of March.
+I went to Disneyland for the second year in the row with my Twitter Moms. Just like our 2019 trip, it was a perfect getaway sans our 18 kids (except baby Hans who tagged along and the two additional babies in utero). I'm so glad I met these ladies online and that we have developed a genuine in-person friendship. Already planning our trip for next year.
+I went to Italy and had one great, full day. You can read all about my quick trip here.
+I am officially done with school (for now). As of last week I finished my last assignments and now all I have to do is wait for my associates degree to show up in the mail. Yes, it took me approximately 7 years to get an associates (plus a web design certificate I earned last year), but I also had like 3 kids in that time. I think eventually I'll go back to school (whether for a bachelors degree or just additional classes that interest me), but for now, I'm taking a long break from school. It's time.
+I planted our first tree on the property. I wrote a long post about it on Instagram because apparently tangerine trees make me sentimental. I also started our garden. I'm getting the garden area prepped and I've planted one tomato plant and some marigolds. I need to buy some more and luckily our local nursery has started doing curbside pick-up so I'll have to place an order soon to get everything else.
+Taylor has really taken off with his drawing abilities and Olive, in little sister fashion, has also been getting into drawing. Taylor and Olive have loved watching "Draw Every Day with JJK" and "LUNCH DOODLES with Mo Willems!" during the quarantine. They have probably killed at least thirty acres of forests with the amount of paper they have gone through with their drawings and we have to pick up scattered crayons and markers off the floor every day, but it has been so fun to see their little creative minds work.
+We got a new couch! We have wanted a big sectional since we got married, but decided to wait to invest in a nice sectional until we were in a permanent home. I am so glad the time finally came to get that sectional. Now all that's left is figuring out how to get the kids to stop treating it like a trampoline gym.
+Eliza finally likes the bath. Not only does she like the bath, she discovered that she LOVES the bath. She has been forced screaming into a monthly bath for the first 13 months of her life. The term bath is used loosely in that last sentence, it was more of a quick dip because of the level of screaming Eliza would emit. I guess month 14 was all it took to figure out how fun bath time is with her siblings. Glad she can enter a cleaner phase of her life.
+As mentioned above, I went to Italy. For only 36 hours. It was a really expensive 36 hours. Read more here.
+Coronavirus. Do I need to write more about that or ??
+Eliza is getting all the teeth. Taylor was slow to get teeth while Olive on the other hand had nearly all her teeth by a year and a half. Eliza is apparently following in Olive's footsteps because she is going to have a full set of chompers before long. I cannot wait until the teething is done with.
+We've been struggling with Taylor and Olive. Both have decided it's time to navigate their anger emotion. We're working really hard on calming down and using words, etc. It is exhausting dealing with angry little humans. Hoping this is a quick phase. I'm sure that will just ensure we move on to another difficult phase.
I feel lucky that we are in a position where we can easily stay at home without much disruption to the rest of our lives. Our house is comfortable, we have food, Andrew can easily work from home, and the kids are living life much the same. Who knows how long this will last, but I know staying home is a very small thing we can do to help during this crisis. Here's to another month of sheltering in place.
+I went to Disneyland for the second year in the row with my Twitter Moms. Just like our 2019 trip, it was a perfect getaway sans our 18 kids (except baby Hans who tagged along and the two additional babies in utero). I'm so glad I met these ladies online and that we have developed a genuine in-person friendship. Already planning our trip for next year.
+I went to Italy and had one great, full day. You can read all about my quick trip here.
+I am officially done with school (for now). As of last week I finished my last assignments and now all I have to do is wait for my associates degree to show up in the mail. Yes, it took me approximately 7 years to get an associates (plus a web design certificate I earned last year), but I also had like 3 kids in that time. I think eventually I'll go back to school (whether for a bachelors degree or just additional classes that interest me), but for now, I'm taking a long break from school. It's time.
+I planted our first tree on the property. I wrote a long post about it on Instagram because apparently tangerine trees make me sentimental. I also started our garden. I'm getting the garden area prepped and I've planted one tomato plant and some marigolds. I need to buy some more and luckily our local nursery has started doing curbside pick-up so I'll have to place an order soon to get everything else.
+Taylor has really taken off with his drawing abilities and Olive, in little sister fashion, has also been getting into drawing. Taylor and Olive have loved watching "Draw Every Day with JJK" and "LUNCH DOODLES with Mo Willems!" during the quarantine. They have probably killed at least thirty acres of forests with the amount of paper they have gone through with their drawings and we have to pick up scattered crayons and markers off the floor every day, but it has been so fun to see their little creative minds work.
+We got a new couch! We have wanted a big sectional since we got married, but decided to wait to invest in a nice sectional until we were in a permanent home. I am so glad the time finally came to get that sectional. Now all that's left is figuring out how to get the kids to stop treating it like a trampoline gym.
+Eliza finally likes the bath. Not only does she like the bath, she discovered that she LOVES the bath. She has been forced screaming into a monthly bath for the first 13 months of her life. The term bath is used loosely in that last sentence, it was more of a quick dip because of the level of screaming Eliza would emit. I guess month 14 was all it took to figure out how fun bath time is with her siblings. Glad she can enter a cleaner phase of her life.

+As mentioned above, I went to Italy. For only 36 hours. It was a really expensive 36 hours. Read more here.
+Coronavirus. Do I need to write more about that or ??
+Eliza is getting all the teeth. Taylor was slow to get teeth while Olive on the other hand had nearly all her teeth by a year and a half. Eliza is apparently following in Olive's footsteps because she is going to have a full set of chompers before long. I cannot wait until the teething is done with.
+We've been struggling with Taylor and Olive. Both have decided it's time to navigate their anger emotion. We're working really hard on calming down and using words, etc. It is exhausting dealing with angry little humans. Hoping this is a quick phase. I'm sure that will just ensure we move on to another difficult phase.

I feel lucky that we are in a position where we can easily stay at home without much disruption to the rest of our lives. Our house is comfortable, we have food, Andrew can easily work from home, and the kids are living life much the same. Who knows how long this will last, but I know staying home is a very small thing we can do to help during this crisis. Here's to another month of sheltering in place.