October 2019 GBOMB
+The beginning of the month the kids got to spend a few days with cousins. It's always so fun to have all the kids together.
+We went to a very budget version of a pumpkin patch (if you consider 30 pumpkins pre-picked on a few hay bales a pumpkin patch). The kids had a blast even if it was a pretty lame petting zoo/pumpkin patch.
+Our church put together a really fun Halloween party that the kids looked forward to all month. The night ended with a trunk-or-treat that filled Taylor's and Olive's bucket to the top. When we got home, Taylor dumped out his candy and organized it by color. Olive took each candy piece by piece and asked me what it was called. I would tell her, "Those are skittles/starbursts/tootsie rolls/etc." and she would reply back after each one, "Oh, I love skittles/starbursts/tootsie rolls/etc!" I also taught her the "gimme a break" Kit-Kat song and for some reason I think it's the funniest thing that she'll sing "break me off a piece of that Kit-Kat bar" every time she sees a Kit-Kat.
+ We went to breakfast with Andrew's family to surprise his dad for his birthday. All of Andrew's siblings were there for the surprise and it was so fun to spend the day with everyone.
+The same day as the breakfast surprise, we went to a second trunk-or-treat in Andrew's home ward. Taylor and Olive weren't mad about more candy.
+Apparently two nights of Halloween festivities wasn't enough. We also went trick or treating around our neighborhood on actual Halloween. I was convinced that our little neighborhood wouldn't have anyone out, but there were tons of kids out and it was so fun to actually go door to door. Taylor and Olive are Halloween pros after this year.
+We all got sick this month. Flus and colds of various degrees.
+Andrew, Taylor, and Olive got in a car crash. No one was hurt (thankfully), but our minivan is totaled (unfortunately).
+All the Halloween festivities and quick travels led to kids who's schedules were thrown off and resulted in grumpy kids which is never fun.
+I've slowly been telling people about this, but Andrew and I are in the process of becoming foster parents. Andrew just started his state training (I'm taking mine in January) and our agency training together will start in November. It's a lot of time and very overwhelming, but I'm just trying to accept the fact that our lives will be hectic for the foreseeable future. Even though it's a stressful process, we're very excited to start fostering.
+The beginning of the month the kids got to spend a few days with cousins. It's always so fun to have all the kids together.
+We went to a very budget version of a pumpkin patch (if you consider 30 pumpkins pre-picked on a few hay bales a pumpkin patch). The kids had a blast even if it was a pretty lame petting zoo/pumpkin patch.
+Our church put together a really fun Halloween party that the kids looked forward to all month. The night ended with a trunk-or-treat that filled Taylor's and Olive's bucket to the top. When we got home, Taylor dumped out his candy and organized it by color. Olive took each candy piece by piece and asked me what it was called. I would tell her, "Those are skittles/starbursts/tootsie rolls/etc." and she would reply back after each one, "Oh, I love skittles/starbursts/tootsie rolls/etc!" I also taught her the "gimme a break" Kit-Kat song and for some reason I think it's the funniest thing that she'll sing "break me off a piece of that Kit-Kat bar" every time she sees a Kit-Kat.
+ We went to breakfast with Andrew's family to surprise his dad for his birthday. All of Andrew's siblings were there for the surprise and it was so fun to spend the day with everyone.
+The same day as the breakfast surprise, we went to a second trunk-or-treat in Andrew's home ward. Taylor and Olive weren't mad about more candy.
+Apparently two nights of Halloween festivities wasn't enough. We also went trick or treating around our neighborhood on actual Halloween. I was convinced that our little neighborhood wouldn't have anyone out, but there were tons of kids out and it was so fun to actually go door to door. Taylor and Olive are Halloween pros after this year.

+We all got sick this month. Flus and colds of various degrees.
+Andrew, Taylor, and Olive got in a car crash. No one was hurt (thankfully), but our minivan is totaled (unfortunately).
+All the Halloween festivities and quick travels led to kids who's schedules were thrown off and resulted in grumpy kids which is never fun.
+I've slowly been telling people about this, but Andrew and I are in the process of becoming foster parents. Andrew just started his state training (I'm taking mine in January) and our agency training together will start in November. It's a lot of time and very overwhelming, but I'm just trying to accept the fact that our lives will be hectic for the foreseeable future. Even though it's a stressful process, we're very excited to start fostering.