November 2019 GBOMB
I can't really think of anything for the "On My Brain" section so this is really just a GB instead of a GBOMB.
+We finally got Harley and Pancho Villa back. They lived at my brother Blake's house for the year while we were in California and then once we moved here, they lived at Blake's house for another six months while our fence was built. The kids are very excited to have them back although it took Olive a bit to warm up to Harley.
+Soccer finished up. I'm not sure if we'll do soccer again next year. Maybe for Olive since she'll be old enough and I think she would enjoy it quite a lot. Taylor really liked going to soccer practice, but soccer games were not his favorite. He tended to casually walk around the field during games and complain about what hard work running was. Honestly, can't blame him - I don't like running either.
+We started on our sand volleyball court in the backyard. It has been a lot more work than anticipated, but it has provided hours and hours of entertainment for the kids. They love playing in the sand. Hopefully by the end of December we'll have it finished up.
+We decorated for Christmas. I used to firmly be in the wait-until-Thanksgiving-is-over camp, but since having little kids that get so excited for everything Christmas, I can't help but put up decorations and start listening to Christmas music early.
+We had a great and easy Thanksgiving. We had a yummy Thanksgiving dinner with my mom's side of the family. Taylor and Olive got to go see Frozen II with Grandma and Grandpa Snow and cousins Josh, Jude, and Adele. And I got an afternoon of wandering Target on Black Friday. Just a few days
+Since moving into our new house, Taylor has been complaining about how small his toddler bed is and that he wanted a big bed. Well it only took 7 months, but we finally bought him a twin bed. This also meant the toddler bed was passed down to Olive. Both are excited about their new sleeping arrangements.
+We have been so, so busy. Between foster care classes for both Andrew and myself, soccer practice, doctor appointments, being gone for Thanksgiving, and general errands/to-do lists - November has felt incredibly busy. But when is life not busy?
+Eliza caught some sort of stomach bug. The poor thing couldn't keep anything down for the two days after Thanksgiving. Plus, she's getting the four top teeth in right now too. Hopefully she's on the mend.
+We finally got Harley and Pancho Villa back. They lived at my brother Blake's house for the year while we were in California and then once we moved here, they lived at Blake's house for another six months while our fence was built. The kids are very excited to have them back although it took Olive a bit to warm up to Harley.
+Soccer finished up. I'm not sure if we'll do soccer again next year. Maybe for Olive since she'll be old enough and I think she would enjoy it quite a lot. Taylor really liked going to soccer practice, but soccer games were not his favorite. He tended to casually walk around the field during games and complain about what hard work running was. Honestly, can't blame him - I don't like running either.
+We started on our sand volleyball court in the backyard. It has been a lot more work than anticipated, but it has provided hours and hours of entertainment for the kids. They love playing in the sand. Hopefully by the end of December we'll have it finished up.
+We decorated for Christmas. I used to firmly be in the wait-until-Thanksgiving-is-over camp, but since having little kids that get so excited for everything Christmas, I can't help but put up decorations and start listening to Christmas music early.
+We had a great and easy Thanksgiving. We had a yummy Thanksgiving dinner with my mom's side of the family. Taylor and Olive got to go see Frozen II with Grandma and Grandpa Snow and cousins Josh, Jude, and Adele. And I got an afternoon of wandering Target on Black Friday. Just a few days
+Since moving into our new house, Taylor has been complaining about how small his toddler bed is and that he wanted a big bed. Well it only took 7 months, but we finally bought him a twin bed. This also meant the toddler bed was passed down to Olive. Both are excited about their new sleeping arrangements.

+We have been so, so busy. Between foster care classes for both Andrew and myself, soccer practice, doctor appointments, being gone for Thanksgiving, and general errands/to-do lists - November has felt incredibly busy. But when is life not busy?
+Eliza caught some sort of stomach bug. The poor thing couldn't keep anything down for the two days after Thanksgiving. Plus, she's getting the four top teeth in right now too. Hopefully she's on the mend.

I'm in shock that it's already December which means it's it's almost Olive's 3rd birthday and then it's Christmas and then it's 2020 and then Eliza turns one and then I'm off on a Twitter Mom Disneyland trip like last year and then I get to go on a trip to Italy and then we'll most likely start taking foster placements... and then and then and then. Life is a marathon sprint.