September GBOMB
Another short monthly summary, but here is the Good, the Bad, and what's been On My Brain for the month of September.
+We found out that we're having a girl! I was honestly convinced that we were having a boy, but both Taylor and Olive said they wanted a little sister. I guess they won this round. We are so excited to have another baby girl. May she have as much fire and stubbornness as her sister before her.
+My mom and her husband came to see us. The kids loved having them here and we made a beach visit and went to a new park.
+I finally made it to Disneyland with the kids by myself. I used to take them about once a week when we first moved to California, but since I've been pregnant and nauseas, I haven't managed to make it solo with the kids. We also went together as a family once this month and stayed late enough for the light parade. People might think we're crazy for going so often, but it has been such a fun thing to do as a family. And this will probably be the only year we have annual passes so we're trying to make the most of them.
+I am s l o w l y working towards a degree (when I say slowly, I mean I only take one class a semester and will probably have a Bachelors in about 5-10 years). I was looking at some of the degrees offered and noticed that I had enough credits for a Web Media certificate. Can I do anything with a Web Media certificate? Not really. But it feels good to have something physical after attending school for so long.
+I went to the dentist and found out I needed a crown put in and a lot of fillings. Most of my life I've had great teeth, but the past few years that has changed and it is not fun. I got a temporary crown put in this month and have to go in a few days to get my permanent crown in as well as get a few fillings. I'll most likely have another visit on top of this one too.
+I spoke too soon when I talked about Olive potty training herself. She now refuses to go on the toilet. I'm hoping when this baby comes I won't still have three in diapers - two is plenty. So hopefully either Taylor or Olive (or both) decide to go along with this potty training thing soon.
+I'm sure there were some reoccurring thoughts or concerns this month, but right now, I can't remember any of them. I guess this month's "On My Brain" section is going to be empty.
+We found out that we're having a girl! I was honestly convinced that we were having a boy, but both Taylor and Olive said they wanted a little sister. I guess they won this round. We are so excited to have another baby girl. May she have as much fire and stubbornness as her sister before her.
+My mom and her husband came to see us. The kids loved having them here and we made a beach visit and went to a new park.
+I finally made it to Disneyland with the kids by myself. I used to take them about once a week when we first moved to California, but since I've been pregnant and nauseas, I haven't managed to make it solo with the kids. We also went together as a family once this month and stayed late enough for the light parade. People might think we're crazy for going so often, but it has been such a fun thing to do as a family. And this will probably be the only year we have annual passes so we're trying to make the most of them.
+I am s l o w l y working towards a degree (when I say slowly, I mean I only take one class a semester and will probably have a Bachelors in about 5-10 years). I was looking at some of the degrees offered and noticed that I had enough credits for a Web Media certificate. Can I do anything with a Web Media certificate? Not really. But it feels good to have something physical after attending school for so long.

+I went to the dentist and found out I needed a crown put in and a lot of fillings. Most of my life I've had great teeth, but the past few years that has changed and it is not fun. I got a temporary crown put in this month and have to go in a few days to get my permanent crown in as well as get a few fillings. I'll most likely have another visit on top of this one too.
+I spoke too soon when I talked about Olive potty training herself. She now refuses to go on the toilet. I'm hoping when this baby comes I won't still have three in diapers - two is plenty. So hopefully either Taylor or Olive (or both) decide to go along with this potty training thing soon.

+I'm sure there were some reoccurring thoughts or concerns this month, but right now, I can't remember any of them. I guess this month's "On My Brain" section is going to be empty.