June has gone by so fast and kind of in a blur. I had a hard time writing this up simply because I couldn't remember too many stand-out moments for either the good or bad category - it was just an average month going through the motions. This is what I put together to remember the good, the bad, and what's been on my brain in the month of June.
+The beginning of the month we decided to make a surprise trip back to Arizona. We didn't tell anyone and it was so fun to see everyone's reactions to us showing up unexpectedly. This was the only out-of-the-ordinary thing we did in June. I need to write up a blog post about our trip because we stayed for an entire week and we had so much fun.
+Stephanie and crew were in AZ as well so the kids had a blast with their Steed cousins. If only our Seattle Snows and Aunt Michelle could have been there too!
+We had our first visitors come stay with us in California. My cousin Natalie and her sister-in-law Amanda came and went to Disneyland. I even got to go on my first solo trip to the park one night while they were here. It was so fun to have visitors. If anyone needs a CA vacation, please come stay with us!
+Olive had a doctor's appointment. Maybe this shouldn't be in the good category because Olive hates the doctor's office (I honestly think she has harbored memories of her stay in the hospital at 5 weeks which makes her distrust anyone with a stethoscope), but it was so nice to find a good doctor in a new place. Finding a pediatrician can be hard, but we lucked out on our first try.
+The kids are getting so big and independent. The other day I realized that I now have complete conversations with Taylor. It's so nice to be able to communicate with someone in the house during the day.
+I've haven't been the funnest mom as of late. We've watched way too many movies when I should have taken them to the park instead.
+I can't really think of anything else to put in the bad category which is great. It was a pretty average month with most of my memories coming from our trip to AZ.
+I'm thinking about potty training Taylor. He really doesn't want to, but he's getting old and I'm getting tired of having two in diapers. Send good potty training vibes my way.
+I was called as a counselor in the Stake Primary Presidency. I don't really know what I'm doing yet and I feel so unqualified to have this calling. I felt this way when I was called into the Relief Society Presidency in my last ward and that turned out okay, so I'll hold out hope that I can manage this calling just the same.
+The recent revelation of the families that are being separated as they cross the border legally seeking asylum has consumed my thoughts as of late. I realize that the policy has been reversed, but thousands of families are still separated. To think that babies Olive's age are without their mother, and children Taylor's age are being held in cages and sleeping with foil safety blankets on the ground - it just breaks my heart. The thing is though, you don't even have to have any kids of your own to feel some sort of sympathy towards what's happening. It's an unimaginable injustice to permanently effect the mental health and progress of such small children. Before you classify them as immigrants, or illegal aliens, or however you want to justify it, remember that there is something that unifies us all. We're all humans. Let's show kindness and compassion to our fellow humans. And let's give this administration hell until every family is reunited.

+The beginning of the month we decided to make a surprise trip back to Arizona. We didn't tell anyone and it was so fun to see everyone's reactions to us showing up unexpectedly. This was the only out-of-the-ordinary thing we did in June. I need to write up a blog post about our trip because we stayed for an entire week and we had so much fun.
+Stephanie and crew were in AZ as well so the kids had a blast with their Steed cousins. If only our Seattle Snows and Aunt Michelle could have been there too!
+We had our first visitors come stay with us in California. My cousin Natalie and her sister-in-law Amanda came and went to Disneyland. I even got to go on my first solo trip to the park one night while they were here. It was so fun to have visitors. If anyone needs a CA vacation, please come stay with us!
+Olive had a doctor's appointment. Maybe this shouldn't be in the good category because Olive hates the doctor's office (I honestly think she has harbored memories of her stay in the hospital at 5 weeks which makes her distrust anyone with a stethoscope), but it was so nice to find a good doctor in a new place. Finding a pediatrician can be hard, but we lucked out on our first try.
+The kids are getting so big and independent. The other day I realized that I now have complete conversations with Taylor. It's so nice to be able to communicate with someone in the house during the day.

+I've haven't been the funnest mom as of late. We've watched way too many movies when I should have taken them to the park instead.
+I can't really think of anything else to put in the bad category which is great. It was a pretty average month with most of my memories coming from our trip to AZ.

+I'm thinking about potty training Taylor. He really doesn't want to, but he's getting old and I'm getting tired of having two in diapers. Send good potty training vibes my way.
+I was called as a counselor in the Stake Primary Presidency. I don't really know what I'm doing yet and I feel so unqualified to have this calling. I felt this way when I was called into the Relief Society Presidency in my last ward and that turned out okay, so I'll hold out hope that I can manage this calling just the same.
+The recent revelation of the families that are being separated as they cross the border legally seeking asylum has consumed my thoughts as of late. I realize that the policy has been reversed, but thousands of families are still separated. To think that babies Olive's age are without their mother, and children Taylor's age are being held in cages and sleeping with foil safety blankets on the ground - it just breaks my heart. The thing is though, you don't even have to have any kids of your own to feel some sort of sympathy towards what's happening. It's an unimaginable injustice to permanently effect the mental health and progress of such small children. Before you classify them as immigrants, or illegal aliens, or however you want to justify it, remember that there is something that unifies us all. We're all humans. Let's show kindness and compassion to our fellow humans. And let's give this administration hell until every family is reunited.