Natural History Museum of Los Angeles
On Saturday, we decided to go on our first adventure here in California (besides our many trips to Disneyland). We went to the Natural History Museum in L.A. I always know that natural history museums will be a big hit with the kids because there are dinosaurs for Taylor and animals for Olive, plus they're interesting for Andrew and I. There were so many dinosaur skeletons and interesting displays. They had terrariums with tarantulas, scorpions, and the like. Taylor loved to find each creature hiding in the tank. We were able to catch the "Dinosaur Experience" show where there was a life-size dinosaur puppet. There was even outdoor areas for the kids to explore and play. Overall, it was a great museum. I think we might be back in the future.

Sunday night we decided to go for a walk on Seal Beach. Taylor loves the beach so he was in heaven. We watched people fish off the pier and looked for seashells until it was too cold for little Olive. Olive's face in this first set of pictures kills me.