Another month has past so it's time for the only post you can depend on, my end of the month GBOMB. Here is the Good, the Bad, and what's been On My Brain for the month of March.

G O O D+Olive started swim lessons this month. She's been watching Taylor in swim lesson for a while now and the last few weeks has been trying to crawl into the water so I decided I might as well put her in too. She's been doing really well and is the cutest little fishy.
+We've done quite a few house projects. Our kitchen is 100% complete, we got a new front door and replaced the door leading into the garage, and we've been doing some yard work.
+Olive is pretty much walking. She still falls a lot and relies on crawling when she wants to get around fast, but I'd say she knows how to walk now. She just needs to decide to use it as her primary mode of transportation.
+I've had a lot of fun teaching Taylor about Easter. I love that he understands what holidays are now and can get excited about them. He loved decorating Easter eggs and was so excited to go to his friend Chandler's house for an Easter egg hunt. I can't wait to see how he reacts to his Easter basket tomorrow.
+My semester is almost over and I'm so happy. I'm taking a front-end development class and it has been tough. It has probably been my biggest workload of any course I've taken. Only 2 more weeks and I'm done. I'm also planning to take the next semester off. It will be so nice to not have to worry about homework.
+General Conference has started! I always look forward to General Conference weekend.

+It seems like we have so many house projects left. Time is quickly running out before we're going to put the house up for sale and there's still so much we want to do. Do projects every end?
+We didn't get to see the Easter Pageant. I actually took Taylor to watch it knowing that he would enjoy it, but we had to leave before it even started. I don't want to go too much into it since it's sort of embarrassing, but the short version is I threw up in the temple bushes and we had to head home.
+We were suppose to find out where we're moving to this month and that didn't happen. I am so anxious to find out where we're going so I can start planning.
+As parents, it's been a battle of the wills with Taylor. He is testing his boundaries and being pretty defiant. It gets pretty exhausting trying to find the balance between correcting behavior, punishing behavior, and ignoring behavior. Any advice on dealing with an ornery (almost) threenager?

+I was recently released from my calling. Our Relief Society president moved so we were disbanded. I really enjoyed my time in the Relief Society presidency, but with our impending move, it makes sense to leave that role and pass it on to someone else. I will miss meeting twice a month with the other ladies in the presidency. I was silly to think that I would be free from a calling since we're moving in 2-3 months. I was called to work in the Primary the week after I was released. This is my first time working in the Primary so we'll see how that goes (especially since feisty little Olive will be tagging along).
+I've been thinking a lot about my relationship with this blog. I've certainly slowed down on posting. There was a time last year were I was getting some traction on my blog and started taking more paid sponsored posts, but I've since moved away from that; and I think it was the right choice for me. It was awesome getting some money for a hobby, but it changed my blog into something I didn't like. I like blogging just to document life happenings. I don't want to turn my blog into a giant commercial.

April looks like it's going to be a good month. Taylor turns three on the 3rd, our wedding anniversary is on the 12th, and hopefully we'll find out where we're moving to. Cross your fingers for us on that last one.