Palmyra, New York
After our day in Niagara Falls, we hit up all the LDS historical sites in Palmyra. Our first stop was the Hill Cumorah. We walked to the top and then it was on to the next area of sites (there's really not much else to do at the Hill Cumorah). We saw the Smith's family log house as well as the other house they later moved into that's located right down the road. My favorite part of the whole trip was walking through the Sacred Grove. We walked pretty far back into the grove so we were all alone and not surrounded by other tourists. The Sacred Grove is absolutely gorgeous and such a peaceful place to be. We spent quite a while walking down paths. After we finished there, we drove by the Palmyra Temple, and then went to find some lunch.
While we were eating lunch at a pizzeria we found, we met a French family from Canada. They had a little boy around the same age as Taylor, and both boys were playing with their own toy car. It didn't take long before Taylor and the little boy traded cars and were happily playing together. This little boy only spoke French, but that didn't stop them from having a great time. Cars is the language they were speaking. Andrew and I talked to his parents and left wishing we could be best friends with them. It's funny how easy it is to bond with people when your kids are getting along in such a sweet manner.
Right across the street from the pizzeria was the printing press for the Book of Mormon. I didn't expect much, but it turned out to be a really interesting place to tour. On the same street as the printing press, there were so many old houses and antique shops. I wish we had more time to explore the area.
Andrew's seminary teacher from high school, Brother Baker, happened to live right down the street from the printing press so we got to visit with him. He was nice enough to walk us down to Alvin's grave and told us some really interesting stories I was unaware of.
By this point, all of us were exhausted from a long day so we headed back to the hotel. We were hoping we'd be able to see the Hill Cumorah pageant, but it doesn't start until 9:15 pm which doesn't really bode well with the tiny humans who run our lives.

The next day, we drove the 4.5 hours home just in time to pick up my mom from the airport. She came out to help me make the flight back to AZ with two kids, and to spend time with us during our last few days in Ohio. More on our adventures while she was here in the next post I get up!