Amish Country
On Saturday, we drove the two hours to Amish Country. Our first stop was the Boyd and Wurthmann Restaurant. The food was good, but then the waitress took it to the next level when she suggested the bagged apple pie for dessert. I didn't know "bagged apple" was a specific type of pie, but whatever the difference is between that and regular apple pie, it is phenomenal. After lunch we walked around all the nearby stores. After window shopping for a while, we headed to Heini's Cheese Chalet and got a quick tour of the cheese factory.
Taylor's favorite parts of the trip was riding around in a car grocery cart in the Amish super market and seeing the horses and buggies driving down the street. Andrew's favorite part was the food. My favorite part was how absolutely gorgeous the area was.
Taylor's favorite parts of the trip was riding around in a car grocery cart in the Amish super market and seeing the horses and buggies driving down the street. Andrew's favorite part was the food. My favorite part was how absolutely gorgeous the area was.

I took a total of the above three pictures, but still wanted to do a quick blog post to document our time in Amish Country. And here's some unrelated pictures of my cute kids just because: