Dear Olive,
On 2/25/17, your father gave you a name and a blessing. I wanted to record a few things that were mentioned:
+Heavenly Father has picked this name for you so you can embody the wonderful characteristics of the one who has come before you with this same name. (I plan to do a blog post soon on how we picked her name.)
+Your life will not be without challenge, but as you grow older, you'll develop the same capabilities, power, and spirit as your ancestor
+You will have a love of the gospel, a beautiful understanding of the scriptures, and you'll be a powerful advocate for the gospel.
+ You will find a worthy man to accompany you to the temple so you may enjoy an eternal posterity.
+You have already endured a challenge in life (being in the hospital with pneumonia) and you showed great fortitude throughout that experience. You will be a great example to your siblings in the way you handle adversity.
+You will be an excellent teacher, and all of your siblings will look to you on how to behave and treat others. You will be very similar to your mother in the way she cares for others.

My little Olive, never forget how loved and supported you are!
PS - I have to give a shout-out to my Aunt Patti who took my wedding dress and made it into the most beautiful blessing dress. I plan to use it with all my girls. If Olive is my only girl then hopefully she'll use it for her daughters.