Old Fashion Photo Dump
There were so many things I had planned to blog about. We had a great Thanksgiving, I was thrown a surprise baby shower, Taylor and I did a lot of fun things together before baby's arrival, and, most recently, Christmas. But to be honest, I'd rather enjoy time with my family instead of going back and blogging about all of that. Andrew has been on his winter break from grad school since the 9th and it has been so nice having him home to help with Taylor and the new baby. Next week is our last week with him around until it's back to that grad school grind. So instead of blogging, I'm going to get back to my little family and leave you with a good ole' fashion photo dump.

^Thanksgiving dinner in Boulder City.^

^He somehow acquired someone else's cupcake and I just let him eat it like a good parent.^

^Our last family picture as three. Thanks Mimi for snapping these (and the first two pictures).^

^This was one of the many days we were plagued with sickness.^

^Taylor loves chips and salsa.^

^I took Taylor to see Santa and ride the carousel at Bass Pro Shop. Literally no reaction to Santa.^

^Taylor is thinking about becoming a fashion blogger.^

^Christmas was extra special this year with a new baby.^

^It was fun to see Taylor actually understand opening presents. He loved unwrapping things.^

^Olive is becoming more and more alert each day. We just love her so.^
It being New Years Eve (plus looking back on some of the pictures from the last year for this photo dump), I keep thinking about how blessed our family has been in 2016. Being a family of four is absolutely wonderful. I'm enjoying every second of it (even the diaper blow-outs and sleepless nights). I can't wait to see what 2017 has in store for us.