Pregnancy Must-Haves

I originally posted this in January of last year when I was pregnant with Taylor. I thought I'd make an updated list, but I realized my list would be exactly the same. So here it is again for those who may have missed it and new readers.
When I became pregnant, I ate these types of posts up. There was never enough information to satisfy my pregnant, researching self. I wanted to know everything. Now that I do know everything (#sarcasm), I wanted to put together a list of things that have been a necessity for me throughout the last 27 weeks of carrying this baby.

1. Pregnancy Pillow- My back was already killing me at 7 weeks which made sleeping a struggle. I invested in my pregnancy pillow and it was a total game changer. The most popular one out there right now is the Bump Nest Body Pillow. I personally have the Snoogle Total Body Pillow and I LOVE IT (I also loved the price compared to others).

2. Prenatal Gummy Vitamins- The last thing I wanted to do when I had morning sickness was swallow a pill every day. The gummy vitamins make it a lot easier, plus they taste like candy. Win-win.

3. Water Bottle- Being pregnant means chugging water all the time. It's the perfect excuse to buy yourself a cute water bottle. Seriously, don't leave home without your water bottle.

4. Bringing Up Bebe- You've probably seen this all over blog-land, and for good reason. Out of all the baby books I've read, and even glanced through, this one is my favorite! Definitely worth buying.

5. Maternity Leggings- Or really any maternity clothes for that matter. I went from never wearing leggings, to them being a staple in my wardrobe. Just give in and buy maternity clothes, it will make you infinitely happier.

6. Coconut Oil- According to the internet, you can't prevent stretch marks. It's genetics so you either get them or you don't. I decided not to chance it and have been using coconut oil throughout my pregnancy. At 27 weeks, there's not a single stretch mark in sight. Whether that's genetics or the coconut oil, I don't know. But I can tell you that your skin becomes the Sahara Desert during pregnancy so regardless, coconut oil will keep you nice and moisturized.

7. Cetaphil Moisturizing Cream- Again, with the dry skin. My face has been covered with dead skin the last 27 weeks. I've tried numerous face lotions and Cetaphil Moisturizing Cream is the only thing that has been keeping my face in check. If you're suffering from a dryer than normal face, try it out.

8. The Bump App- I initially downloaded around 10 free pregnancy apps. I quickly weeded out the ones that weren't so great and finally narrowed it down to just 2 or 3 I checked regularly. At this point though, the best one I've found is The Bump App. I definitely recommend downloading it. Plus it's free so there's no harm in checking it out.

What are your pregnancy must-haves? 
Leave them in the comments below.