22.5 Week Bumpdate

I figured I better do a bumpdate before this baby actually arrives. I'm shocked that I'm already over halfway through. With Taylor, the weeks and months seemed to go by sooo slow. This time around, it's the complete opposite!

How far along? 22.5 weeks. Baby is the size of: an ear of corn.  Maternity clothes? I'm starting to wear maternity clothes, but mostly just men's t-shirts from Target. I definitely can't fit into my old jeans anymore though. Sleep? Sleep is fine for now. I struggled more with sleep during the first trimester and now it's just the problem of having to use the restroom in the middle of the night. Movement? I'm starting to feel tiny kicks quite frequently. It's so much fun to feel baby girl moving. Food cravings? First trimester my big food craving was corn on the cob which was really random. This trimester I am loving Arby's classic roast beef sandwich. I could eat one every day. Weight gain/loss? I've gained about 10 pounds so far. Last pregnancy I gained almost all my weight in the last trimester so I'm sure that will be the case again this time. Belly button in or out? It's about half-way out? Haha. It popped a lot faster this time around. Stretch marks? None thus far. Keeping my fingers crossed that continues. Happy or moody? Very happy. This pregnancy is flying by. Looking forward to: this baby getting here! I'm pretty sure I'm going to blink and she's going to be here. I guess having a 16 month old makes pregnancy go by a lot quicker.