A Father's Thoughts
Today we have a special guest blogger, my husband Andrew! Happy Father's Day dear!
Alicia asked me last week if I would be willing to write down my thoughts on being a father, so that she could make a blog post out of it. During little moments throughout that week I thought of little things Taylor does that I love, things I had never considered about fatherhood before, or even new fears and hopes for my boy and any and all future children.
As I sat down to write this, however, my thoughts went to how long I had been dreaming of being a father. Having that dream realized has filled me with more joy and purpose than I ever before imagined. I will often have moments of clarity with Taylor where it all sinks in, that I am this boy's dad. It sinks in that my dreams have quite literally come true.
Having my father (who is, and always has been, one of my heroes) as a measuring stick has guided me in my on-the-spot creation of my approach to being a dad. He was, and is, the perfect dad for me and my siblings.
I love watching my boy grow up and learn new things. I can't help but imagine the day he will waddle up to the microphone during the primary program and recite his line and I'll be just be beside myself with pride. Some day I'll get to take him to priesthood meeting and we'll go to Red Robin afterward with Grandpa Snow, because that's tradition. Some day we'll go camping and eat s'mores until we make ourselves sick, and laugh about every good memory.

Because of my father and his example I know what is expected of me. Because of Taylor and Alicia, I can't remember a time of life where I've been more happy.

This is all ramble fluff, but I can't really write how I feel about being Taylor's dad. How can you describe perfectenshlag?