1 Year Of Taylor
Just like that, my little baby is one. I know a lot of parents say that they don't want their baby to grow up. I guess in a way, I agree with that statement. When I look back at pictures of my itty bitty newborn, it sure makes me miss those milk drunk baby cuddles.
As much as I loved the newborn stage, in reality I do want him to grow up. It's so rewarding to watch your little human get bigger and learn new tricks. I don't want him to stay small, I want him to grow and progress. I want him to develop his little personality and become his own self.
This first year just flew by so I'm pretty sure Taylor will be a teenager by next week. As quickly as time passes, I will still try my hardest to soak it all in.

To see more Taylor cuteness, follow me on Instagram (@aliciareneesnow) and Snapchat (@aliciahanley).