Taylor's Nursery
When we moved into our house, there was an interesting color scheme going on. Every wall was a lovely pink salmon color with a few muddy red accent walls. Taylor's room was the exception to that. The previous owner decided neon orange was the perfect bedroom color (I'm not sure how anyone slept with that glaring color).
Since I prefer when babies sleep at night, we decided it would be best to paint. And having a baby is a great excuse for buying stuff at Target to decorate (I mean, he needs a whole room to himself to sleep in, and I know he appreciates great accent pillows). On Monday, I'll share more detailed pictures as well as where everything came from (update: here's the post!) , but for now, here is the before and after shot.

I'm pretty thrilled with how it turned out. You might remember when I posted my inspiration for the nursery and I feel like I stayed with the theme I had envisioned. One of my favorite things about owning a house is being able to make it exactly how I want. Eventually, once we finally get around to finishing all of our projects, I'll post more of these before and after pictures of different rooms in our house. In the meantime, look out for next Monday posts where I post the details on where everything came from! (Update: here's the post!)