39 Weeks and Still Pregnant

Despite my hopeful post from a week and a half ago, I'm still pregnant. No baby yet. So here is my final bumpdate along with a little video of pictures I've taken throughout my pregnancy. I wish I had been more diligent with weekly photos, but I'm still happy with the amount of photos I did take.

How far along? 39 weeks. Baby is the size of: a small watermelon. Doctor says to expect a 7-8 pound baby. Maternity clothes? I'm past maternity clothes. I wear one of Andrew's shirts and no pants if I can swing staying home all day. Pants are the worse. Sleep? Awful. My bladder has no room so that means countless trips to the bathroom at night. Food cravings? I eat at least one (sometimes two) milkshakes a day. Pregnancy is the best excuse to eat unhealthy. Weight gain/loss? I think my total weight gain has been about twenty five pounds, give or take. I haven't been tracking it that closely. Belly button in or out? Out. Which means this baby is cooked and needs to make his appearance already. Stretch marks? I feel extremely lucky to have made it this far without stretch marks. Crossing my fingers that lasts. Happy or moody? Last week I was pretty moody anxiously waiting for this baby's arrival. When he didn't show, it was tough for me. But now that I have my head wrapped around the fact that he might not come for another week (or possibly two), I'm okay and back to my happy self. Looking forward to: this stubborn little baby's entrance to the world. I am so excited to meet baby boy.