36 Week Bumpdate
We have less than a month until the due date people! I cannot believe it. I remember when we first found out that I was pregnant, I thought pregnancy would take for-ev-er. Well here we are in the final stretch and I'm freaking out a bit because we definitely have a few more things we need to get done before baby boy shows up. I was supposed to be done at work by now so I would have tons of time to check things off our never ending to-do list, but somehow I'm still helping out at my job. I'm sure that we will manage somehow though. Now on to the bumpdate!
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(from my baby shower this last Saturday) |
How far along? 36 weeks. Baby is the size of: a honeydew. Maternity clothes? I'm most definitely only wearing maternity clothes now. Regular clothes just don't fit me anymore and I'm having a hard time keeping this belly covered with most shirts. Crop tops are in style now, right? Ha. Sleep? Sleep is hit or miss now a days. Some nights I sleep great and only get up for bathroom breaks. Other nights I can't sleep at all. Movement? Jabs and kicks to the ribs, yes. Sweet little baby kicks and flutters, not so much anymore. Now when baby moves it's more like a scene out of Alien. Food cravings? Not so much cravings, but I pick a food and eat exclusively that. As in I eat the same thing every day for every meal. I have gone through some weird phases. There was the chicken noodle soup phase (that's when I had morning sickness and it was all I could keep down), then the cheese crisp phase, then the chicken nugget phase, then the ramen noodle phase, and now I'm in the Chef Boyardee mini ravioli phase (which I have never liked before). It's pretty disgusting how many cans I go through. Weight gain/loss? First trimester- I lost weight. Second trimester- I gained back what I lost and a few more. Third trimester- I have gained a ton and it's continually climbing! It makes me happy because I feel like the more weight I put on, the more weight baby is putting on. Chubby babies are the best. Belly button in or out? My belly button is... flat I guess? Sometimes it sticks out, but mostly it's just flat. Stretch marks? Not yet, but my stomach is getting itchier and stretching more every day, so there may be a few in my future. Happy or moody? Happy, but I do get stressed out way more easily. I just attribute that to buying a house, taking care of puppies, repainting all the walls, preparing for baby, and still working. That would stress out anyone. Looking forward to: getting the nursery put together! Hopefully within the next two weeks it will be done.